40 and counting

16:30 Alyson 0 Comments

When I landed in Cambodia, I reached a major milestone in my travels.

Cambodia was my 40th country to add to the map.

I'm not a die hard country counter; some places have so much to offer, I've gone back and visited many places throughout.  My love affair with Italy is a good example.

But, I do also enjoy visiting new countries to learn new cultures, languages, history, as well as see something new along the way.

As I've visited almost all of mainland Europe now, I'll probably get fewer new countries on my map (although I've got a few Eastern Europe trips in the works for next year). And that's okay with me.  As long as I'm enjoying my travels, it doesn't really matter where you are, right?

After this feat, I decided I needed to re-work my travel map. Check it out on the Where in the World tab to see if I've visited your favourite countries!


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