A Dive into Mostar


A Dive into Mostar

One of the things that inspired me to go to the Balkans (way back in our 2015 babymoon if you recall) was hearing stories from my grandfather of his travels to the area. He had been when the war was tearing the areasContinue Reading >

Cotswolds Countryside


Cotswolds Countryside

Since my American family and friends just celebrated Mother's Day, I thought the timing was perfect to talk about our UK Mother's Day trip (one of the many blog posts piling up from my lack of blogging!!). This is celebrated in March, soContinue Reading >

Blue Skies, Seas & Clotted Cream


Blue Skies, Seas & Clotted Cream

In 2005, I made my second trip to the UK with my grandparents and sister. This was the time I really fell in love with the country and its cities full of cobbled streets, stately old homes, countrysides dotted with sheep, all ofContinue Reading >

When in Bruges


When in Bruges

As the song says, it's the most wonderful time of the year across Europe. While preparations have been underway for a month or more in many of the biggest light shows across London, its now less than a month away putting me quiteContinue Reading >